Strategic Public
    Relations Planning

Media Relations



Investor Relations

Crisis Communications

Spokesperson Training


  - Web copy

  - News releases

  - Presentations

  - Magazine articles

  - Letters

  - Direct response

  - Advertising

  - Annual Reports


Trade Show Support

Web Design



Spokesperson Training

Robbery, murder and firing of a supervisor had landed a fast-food franchisee in hot water. A bad local story was about to become a bad national one. My job was to make sure that didn't happen.

The franchisee refused to talk with the media, but offered up a young manager who was terrified at the prospect of facing a reporter and camera crew that were sitting in the parking lot.

Before leaving my office I called the media producer in New York and bargained for more time in exchange for a full explanation of decisions made by the franchisee and permission to video inside the facility. Traveling to the airport I listened to explanations of events and decisions and in the air I formulated a strategy. At my destination I met the young manager who would have to face the camera and gave him a two-day spokesperson training course in two hours.

The manager was a quick learner and his comments not only neutralized the bad news, but helped reporters understand why his actions deserved praise not scorn.

I taught the young man techniques to reduce anxiety and gain respect of those to whom he would be talking. I also showed him how to ensure that his message would effectively be communicated to customers and opinion makers in the community and across the nation.

Call me and let's discuss how I can help you become a better spokesperson for your organization.


You can also reach me via email:

Core Values






Click now for
The Value Minute
® for Today

For more than 15 years I have been working with the Values Institute of America to help develop the Values in Alignment process to equip youth organizations to teach values to young people. Included in the Values in Alignment process is the unique Values-Centered Leadership program that offers executives of non-profits an opportunity to become more effective leaders. Click to learn more.


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Not everyone will make it to the top, but everyone should have access to the expertise and the equipment to make the climb as enjoyable and profitable as possible.

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